Carrie-Anne said:
“I think dreams are important to inspire us to get out of bed every morning.”
“The morals of the films are that making choices that support your destiny and being responsible for the choices that you make; believing in something that you’re willing to fight for, that you think is important; and believing that unless you have a choice then there’s no freedom. Having a choice gives you freedom and then it’s being responsible for that choice.”
“I wouldn’t play another character like Trinity out of respect to her and respect to the film. I don’t want to be the leather-clad, kicking-butt girl with another name. It would be like cheating on Trinity.”
“But it’s a little disturbing trying to look convincing when you’re actually very embarrassed, and having the Washowski brothers screaming at you ‘have your orgasm now’!”
“I love to be challenged by something, be it a physical, emotional or spiritual thing, and overcome it, become anew and transform it.”
“I think that to go into it wanting to understand everything, then you’re missing so much because so much of it is just about being open and feeling. It’s a movie that makes you feel. It’s such an intellectual movie but it has some way, magically, of just affecting your heart and your insides, I think.”
“Faith. If you contain yourself in a box, that’s where you’ll stay. If you break out, you can fly. You can do anything. Pay phones can be fun.”
“I did. I bonded with a lot of cows. I would walk every day in this beautiful town in France where there’s nothing to do but eat cheese and bread. And as I would walk at different times of the day, I got to understand the path for the cows. They so reminded me of my dogs, in terms of their spirit. It stopped me from eating meat for a while.”
“Like, if I meet somebody and they want my autograph, like a young girl-I learned this from Laurence Fishburne-I’d much rather shake their hand and say, ‘Hi, I’m Carrie-Anne, what’s your name?’ and have a connection than sign a piece of paper. And I think it’s more important, the actual connection of saying hello.”
“I’m somebody who wants to have a normal life with extraordinary experiences.”
“When I was 19, I had given up my dream of acting because I didn’t know how to go about it. Gil Bellows, the actor from Ally McBeal - we hung out together in high school - came into my restaurant one day and said, ‘I thought you wanted to be an actor. You had so much passion for acting. What are you doing?’ I quit the next day.”
“Life is never easy. But I’ve tried to develop an attitude towards life that forces me to move forward. I think I’m one of those people who was just born with a sunny disposition. I try to focus on keeping that, and oddly enough, it’s not that hard. Life doesn’t have to be complicated. It’s actually really simple.”
“I’m a pretty fierce person if I believe in something. At the same time, I’m soft and squishy and emotional and a big crybaby. Especially now that I’m pregnant- one minute I’m happy, the next I’m sobbing, ‘What do you mean they don’t have chocolate ice cream?’”
“I’m in heaven, I love being a mom. He simplifies my life, believe it or not. My life is less complicated because I know what’s important and that’s it.” Forrs / Source: |