Szn / Color: nem tudni biztosan, de szeret vrset s rzsasznt hordani. / we’re not sure.. but she does wear a lot of purples and pinks.
Ital / Drink: kv, sok krmmel s cukor nlkl / coffee, lots of cream, no sugar (Peet’s)
tel / Food: Indiai csirke - Tikka masala; rizs s padlizsn / Indian- chicken tikka masala, rice, eggplant and nan.
llatok / Animals: 3 kutya, egy Weimeraner, akit Sherman Blue-nak hvnak; Soups, akit frjvel az utcrl mentett meg Carrie; a harmadik kutya nevt nem ismerjk. / three dogs- a Weimeraner named Sherman Blue; Soups, a dog she and husband Steven rescued from the streets; third dog’s name is unknown.
Filmek / Movies: Breakfast at Tiffany’s, Wings of Desire, Requiem for a Dream, Field of Dream.
Zene / Music: vegyes az zlse, mindent meghallgat Sarah McLachlan-tl Diana Krall-ig. / her music taste ranges from Sarah McLachlan to Marilyn Manson to Diana Krall.
Sznsz / Actor: Joe Pantoliano ("folyton megnevettetett") / Joe Pantoliano (”because he makes me laugh…”).
Sznszn / Actress: Meryl Streep (egy interjban emltettk) / Meryl Streep (Streep was mentioned in an interview).
Zenei eladk / Music artists: Cake, Marilyn Manson, Sarah McLachlan, Counting Crows, Barbara Streisand, Fiona Apple, Dogstar, Diana Krall..
Szmok / Songs: Diana Krall songs (”they don’t tax my emotions”), songs on the Matrix soundtrack, Dogstar songs.
Knyv / Books: Rumi kltemnyei / Rumi’s poems
r / Writers: Rumi
Egyb dolgok / Things: frds, alvs, kutyastltats, karaoke, meditci, bartokkal, csaldtagokkal lgni, j telek, anyukja, gyerekek s babk. / baths, sleeping, walking the dog, singing karaoke, meditating, hanging out with family and friends, great food, her mom, kids and babies.
Forrs / Source: |