1. ltalban saltt kszt magnak rpval, s tonhallal / makes a killer salad with beets, tuna, and her favorite dressing
2. Furcsa vletlen hogy 1993-ban szerepelt egy sorozatban, aminek a cme Mtrix volt, de ennek semmi kze a ksbbi szuperfilmhez. / coincidentally starred in a 1993 tv series, ‘the Matrix’, not knowing she would be starring in a blockbuster movie of the same title.
3. Nevt a Hollies Carrie-Anne cm slgerbl vette desanyja, Barbara. / was named after a hit Hollies song by her mother, Barbara.
4. volt egy 1981-es Mazda-ja / used to drive a 1981 Mazda.
5. Imdja a Kmart boltjait / shops at KMart.
6. A szoba, amiben felntt tele volt Holly Hobbie babkkal / has a room in the house she grew up in packed with Holly Hobbie dolls.
7. Imdja festeni a krmeit, klnfle motvumokkal / likes painting her nails (in acrylic, burnt rose…)
8. Kedvenc dessge a Poprocks / loves poprocks (the candy).
9. Dirty Harry filmeket nzett, hogy inspircit gyjtsn a Mtrixhoz / watched all the “Dirty Harry” movies to get inspiration for her Matrix character, Trinity.
10. Legjobb bartai Maria Bello s Meredith Brooks / hangs out with best bud, Maria Bello. Meredith Brooks is also her close friend
11. Nagyon szeretne Matthew McConaughey-vel, Richard Gere-el s Tobey Maguire-el egy filmben jtszani / dreams of costarring with Matthew McConaughey, Richard Gere and Tobey Maguire
12. Imd egsz nap a hlszobjban lustlkodni / loves to sleep all day in the Moss Pit (her bedroom).
13. Szivesen szerepelne Jet Li-vel egy j kis kungfus filmben, tele humorral / said she’d love to work with Jet Li in a Hong Kong style action movie with a sense of humor.
14. A Mtrix helikopteres jelenetnek felvtele 10 percbe kerlt / flew the helicopter in the matrix’s rooftop sequence for a whole 10 minutes by herself!
15. Alvajr s beszl lmban / sleepwalks AND talks in her sleep (according to best friend Maria Bello).
16. Eleinte Jenny Rebeccanak akartk hvni / almost got named Jenny Rebecca, after a Barbra Streisand hit of the year before she was born.
17. used to be in a kaerobics class, which is now more popularly known as taebo.
18. is now actively doing pilates.
19. attended acting classes when she was 17 where she was told to roll around and become a tree
20. in her high school yearbook, defines an embarassing moment as an uncontrollable bladder (hers?).
21. had a crush on Matt Dillon in “Little Darlings” and on Scott Baio’s character, Charles Chachi, on “Charles in Charge”.
22. loves to belt out showtunes on the karaoke.
23. has been “tipsy” just four or five times in her whole life
24. was required to perform a driving move called the Juicy Lift (a complicated maneuver she learned in stuntdriving school that involves yanking the parking brake and turning the steering wheel) for the sequels.. she nailed it on her first try.
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