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Hrek, Frisstsek / News, updates : Normal... egy jabb Carrie-Anne film / Nomal...a new Carrie-Anne film

Normal... egy jabb Carrie-Anne film / Nomal...a new Carrie-Anne film

Tnde  2007.07.29. 17:44

Carrie-Anne a rajongk legnagyobb rmre szerepet kapott a Normal cm filmben. / Carrie-Anne casted in a film, called Normal, much to the delight of her fans.

A kzeljvben kedvenc sznsznnk, Carrie-Anne Moss ismt lthat lesz, mghozz a  Normal cm filmdrmban. / Soon our favourite actress, Carrie-Anne Moss will appear in a drama, called Normal.

A filmben Carrie (Catherine) egy anya szerepben tnik fel. / In the film Carrie plays a mother.

Az szerint a film mg az idn megjelenik az USA-ban, s jvre pedig Kanadban. Magyarorszgi, ill egyb megjelensi idpontokrl  egyelre nincs informci. / According to the the Normal will release this year in the USA, and in 2008 in Canada. I haven't got any information about the Hungarian or any other release dates.

Rszletek a filmrl / Details about the film (angolul / in English)

(Ksznet Sonya-nak, hogy megtallta s megosztotta velnk ezt a cikket Mosspit frumon) / (Thanks for Sonya to found and shared this article with us at the Mosspit Forum)

NORMAL (2007)

Full synopsis of the movie :

NORMAL is the story of three strangers who have avoided coming to grips with the aftermath of a senseless tragedy, and their role within it. While the accident claimed the life of one young man, it is slowly deconstructing everyone that was touched by it.

Catherine, Dale and their twelve-year-old son, Brady, are a family on the brink of collapse. Since the death of her elder son and star athlete Nicky, two years earlier, Catherine’s tightly wound control over her affluent, well-ordered life is slipping. Her surgeon husband has chosen denial, preferring to exist on the surface and move on, losing himself in work and routine. Her remaining child, tip toeing around his parents and never allowed to really grieve for his brother, is a constant reminder of what has been lost. As for Catherine, the shrine of Nicky’s untouched room, weekly visits to his roadside cross, alcohol, compulsive cleaning and endless grocery shopping, no longer serve as gatekeepers to her grief and rage.

Walt, a reluctant professor of literature, appears to be in the clutch of a midlife crisis. Increasingly apathetic in his life and detached from his wife Abby, his main preoccupations are the routine care he provides for his much-loved high functioning autistic brother Dennis, and the ever-present crutch of whisky. After Abby, walks out, Walt briefly finds solace in the arms of another student, Sherri, a young television reporter. However, when Sherri brings the past to life by reminding him that they had met previously, on the steps of a courthouse two years earlier, Walt realizes that his future depends on his facing his haunting memories.

Jordie was Nicky’s best friend. After serving time in a juvenile detention centre for car theft, he returns to his affluent childhood home and the coldness of his domineering psychologist father Carl. Jordie’s mother died several years earlier, and ever since, his relationship to his volatile father has been strained. Carl’s recent second marriage to a much younger woman, Elise, who he soon neglects, just adds to the tension in the household. Jordie tries to pick up the threads of his life but his gnawing guilt and sense of worthlessness leave him stalled. When Jordie embarks on a taboo affair, it brings his strained relationship with his father to a violent confrontation, and sets him free to leave the past behind.

In "Normal," Moss plays Catherine, a mother filled with rage and unable to recover from the death of her teenage son in a car crash.

Here's a bit more info about Normal:

Carl Bessai will be unleashing his trademark enthusiasm at locations from homes in the Uplands to neon-lit Chinatown when principal photography begins here on Normal. An ensemble drama starring Carrie-Anne Moss, Kevin Zegers, Lauren Lee Smith and Andrew Airlie, it's the third film Bessai will have filmed in Greater Victoria.

Normal centres on characters who have lost their ability to express themselves, and who are linked by a devastating tragedy. They include an estranged couple whose eldest son has been killed by a drunk driver, a failed middle-aged writer who has an affair with an ambitious TV reporter, and a juvenile delinquent who, after suffering years of physical and mental abuse from his father, begins a torrid affair with his stepmother.

The new $2.5-million feature Bessai is co-producing with Andrew Boutilier, partly financed by Brightlight Pictures, is a tale of human fragility and redemption, he says.

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